Die Geschichte hinter "Can´t Go With Korculas Winds"
Korcula ist neben der unvergleichlichen Natur inmitten der Adria vor allem auch durch die Person Marco Polos bekannt. Angeblich ist sein Geburtshaus auf der Insel. Mindestens genauso beeindruckend ist jedoch Korculas natürlich Klimaanlage. Die Architekten der Stadt in der frühen Neuzeit, legten die Straßen so an, dass sie entweder nach Norden zeigen oder eben nach Südosten. Aus beide Himmelsrichtungen wehen die vorherrschenden Winde, die Bora und der Maestrale. Gerade, wenn man die Insel wieder verlassen muss, kommt einem (oder vor allem mir) der Gedanke: "Can´t Go With Korculas Winds."
Diese Musiker hört man bei "Can´t Go With Korculas Winds":
Klaus Geisel: Hammond; Klavier; Synthesizer; Akkordeon; Akustik-Gitarre; Stromgitarre; Drum-Programming; Lead-Vocals;
Wolfgang "Hefus" Hefele: Stromgitarre;
Sonja Köhler: Lead-Vocals und Chor
"Can´t Go With Korculas Winds" - Text:
Can read a million of signs, can learn some pathetic rhymes,
can speak to heros and fools, can set and brake my own rules.
Can act the part of a man, who´s trying to be what I am.
I have a look at his role to see, he´s gambling my soul.
Might be a poor man in pain, might be so rich - just the same.
Could read your fade on this line on your skin when you´re mine.
Make some of my dreams come true. These dreams are up to you.
Can make those stories begin but I can´t reach Korculas winds.
I can´t reach Korculas winds.
Might be a sailor on seas, maybe my lights will increase.
Can navigate through the tide, can change your day into night.
Might be just more than your friend, enjoy the time we spent.
Can keep you smooth and worm, but I can´t follow Korcuals storm.
I can´t go with Korculas storm.
The wild wind just falls down from North-East.
He´s a cold, cold killer, a dangerous beast.
The westwind is howling through Korculas lanes.
He´s taking my breath, he´s wispering my name.
Might be the man for far-east, I will escape from Venice
where Marco Polo ´s lying dead. I took his role, that´s my fade.
Might be an author of books, can read my words from your lips.
Might have a thousand of sins. I can´t go with Korculas winds.
The wild wind just falls down from Northeast. He´s a cold, cold Killer, a dangerous beast . The westwind is howling through Korculas lanes. He´s taking my breath...
And then when I ´ll find my death, when my songs loose ther breath, they ´ll always be with you.
You know, when I´m dead and gone, another child ´s carrying on.
Another music begins.
I´ll fly with Korculas winds, can go with Korculas winds, I can go with Korculas winds, can fly with Korculas winds, can go with Korculas winds.