Die Geschichte hinter "Fogelsrum"

"Fogelsrum" ist eine kleine Siedlung direkt am Asunden-See in Südschweden. 2007 besuchten wir meinen Freund Michael eben in Fogelsrum. Das ganze Ambiente hat mir so gut gefallen, dass da einfach ein Song daraus werden musste. Beeindruckt war ich auch von der schwedischen Begriffsbildung. (Siehe Bild )
Diese Musiker hört man bei "Fogelsrum":
Klaus Geisel: Alle Keyboards, Akkordeon, Akustik Gitarre, Solo Vocals und Chöre, Drum Programming.
Karlheinz Hornung: Stromgitarre

"Fogelsrum" (Text)
Beetween some fog and some dust, beside my future and past, my back to someone, who wants me to blame.
I turn my words to a psalm, don´t make bubbles but calm, change my direction. I don´t want drive the same.
I drive to old Germany, sleep with my wheel on my knee, my tyres are leaving their toes on the road. I cross the Danube an Rhyne, run down the "Bear of Berlin" and every mile I drop down my load.
Hej, hej, I say, you make my day, we´re coming soon.
Hey, Hey, you know, don´t fly but flow. We´re ...
Hej, hej, we do from grey to blue. We´re sailing both from East to North.
A trail, not a race to Michaels place. We´re coming soon - to Fogelsrum.
From Trelleborg by the sea, it´s only more than a day. I drive my van between redforg and blue. A smell of wood in the air, a speedomet everywhere. This country´s face, just up to you.
Hej, hej ...
There is no "why" no "because". You both are lyin´in the moss. You´re wife seems sweeter than ever before. Her skin´s created for touch, you both like kissing so much. But I´m a gent, So I don´t tell more.
Hej, hej, you say, you make our day, we´re coming soon.
Hey, hey, you know, don´t fly but flow. We´re....
Hej, hej, we do from grey to blue. We´re sailing both from East to North.
A trail, not a race, to Michaels place. We´re coming soon - to Fogelsrum.